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Pastor’s Wife Life

Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 Articles
Book editing cover

Book Editing as a Career? Yes, Please!

I have big news! Things have been quiet here on the blog lately, but with good reason. There is now a whole new section on my resume: Book editing! I started doing some beta reading for a friend (best-selling author, AJ Skelly), and it turns out that I’m pretty good at proofreading and editing. So …

Good morning coffee on a Sunday morning

How We Roll on a Sunday Morning

Ahh, #sundayfunday. Time to relax and be lazy. Reading the paper in bed with your coffee and breakfast. Right? Ehh, not so much when you’re a pastor’s family. Sunday mornings can sometimes be a bit hectic around here, especially after nights where the youngin’ doesn’t sleep particularly well. In general, this is how things tend …

Snowflake ornament

Holiday Celebrations (and Recovering From Them…)

Whew!! We’re finally finished with what Eric calls “marathon church” and are in the process of recovering for the craziness of the holiday. There are always a lot of extra church services during the holiday season, but the week leading up to Christmas is always the busiest. This year, since Christmas Eve was on a …

A Blessed Christmas to You All!

Candlelight services are over, and the choirs and congregations have sung their hearts out to all the beautiful Christmas hymns we wait all year to sing. Now, on this silent night (or if you have kids, this time of frantic prep of gift wrapping and placement before they wake up…), don’t forget to take the …

Advent blessings

Advent Blessings! (And Welcome!)

You might be saying right now, “Who in the ministry and in their right mind would begin a blog during the Advent season??” Ahem… *raises hand slowly* Welcome to my little corner of the pastor’s wife life. And what better time to invite you in than during one of the busiest times of the year …