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I love to read. Reading is so important for increasing literacy during childhood as well as being an excellent self care outlet for adults. So when I found the Monkeewrench book series last year, I was thrilled!

Monkeewrench book series - book 5 - cover

Who is P.J. Tracy?

P.J. Tracy is a pseudonym used by PJ Lambrecht and Traci Lambrecht, a mother/daughter team from Minnesota who wrote the Monkeewrench book series. They used a pseudonym of their combined names as a tribute to their very close relationship, as well as a nod to the fact that they wrote together as a team.

PJ passed away in 2016, but Traci is continuing to write new books in the Monkeewrench series. (Yay!) The Lambrechts are from Minnesota so the majority of the stories are centered there. But they also occasionally include Wisconsin venues because of PJ’s experiences living in Wisconsin, including traveling to her parents’ home in Door County.

Who is Monkeewrench?

Monkeewrench is the name of the software company created and run by 5 super genius (and incredibly quirky) computer hackers. Their company originally created video games, most recently one about serial killers. But before it was released, the crew found themselves in need of software to help police solve hard to crack murders. (I won’t get more specific because I don’t want to put any spoilers in here!)

I love how each book is different. Even though there are 9 in the series (so far), they haven’t lapsed into a predictable pattern of events. So often when an author maintains a running series without an end game (which they would have with a trilogy, for example), they tend to fall into a specific outline they follow. Which means, unfortunately the books can sometimes get to be a bit predictable.

The Monkeewrench book series isn’t like that at all. Each book is unique and action packed. It keeps you turning page after page and staying up WAY too late to read “just one more chapter”.

Part of the genius of this series is the wide variety of other characters that show up throughout the books. Not all of them are in all of the books, but depending on where the crimes occur, there are characters specific to that area incorporated into the story. It keeps things fresh without having to keep track of a ton of major players constantly throughout each and every book.

And another thing I love? How they portray their plus size female characters as beautiful and confident and completely drool worthy. The men fall all over themselves around these strong ladies the way they would around a supermodel in a different book or in a movie or television show.

We need more of that kind of image portrayed in media of all types.

So thank you, Traci, for sharing your genius with the masses. And thank you for continuing on, even now. Please keep the books coming! I adore reading about your charming, brilliant, and awkward Monkeewrench family.

Monkeewrench book series stack of books
Photo by Perfecto Capucine from Pexels

The Monkeewrench Book Series

  1. Monkeewrench
  2. Live Bait
  3. Dead Run
  4. Snow Blind
  5. Shoot To Thrill
  6. Off the Grid
  7. The Sixth Idea
  8. Nothing Stays Buried
  9. The Guilty Dead

What are you reading these days? Have you found a book or series of books that you can’t get enough of?


  1. avatar

    This sounds like a wonderful series! I’ll add it to my reading list.

    1. avatar

      I really enjoy it! If you like thrillers, you should definitely give it a try 🙂

  2. avatar

    I want to add this series to my reading list! Thanks for sharing.

    1. avatar

      I really enjoy these books! I hope you like them 🙂

  3. avatar

    I love that you didnt give away any spoilers and explained just enough to make me want to look them up. I have to plan a trip to the bookstore soon!

    1. avatar

      Thanks! I wanted to make sure I didn’t ruin the story for anyone else 🙂 If you like mysteries and thrillers, you should definitely give them a try!

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